
Precast or poured concrete stairs?

When choosing the concrete stairs for your home or business, there are only two choices you have to consider, and that is precast or poured. Where the steps will go and what type of room you have for working maneuverability will factor in, but ultimately it is a matter of convenience.

With precast, you have the option of concrete steps contractors in Chicago doing some surveying and measuring, then taking that information to a factory where they pour your future concrete steps into a steel cast, forming them, giving them time to cure, before bringing the step to your location for implanting on your building.

Pouring on the other hand is exactly what it sounds like. Measurements are taken for the form that will be made before the steps are poured. This form is often made of wood, and will be removed when the steps harden. Once the form is in place, the steps are poured, evened, and smoothed, to give you a seamless, perfect concrete staircase.

Each has its upside, but each also has its issues. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Precast Concrete Stairs


  • Made off site in advance of your need
  • Never have to worry about wet cement
  • Cleaner than pouring


  • they are delivered by a large truck
  • they are very heavy to move


Poured Concrete Stairs


  • Made on site
  • Can be poured with a boom cement mixer for convenience
  • You can watch the progress



  • Cement form is unsightly
  • Have to wait for it to properly dry before use.
  • Can be tampered with
  • Messy


Both have their merits. For instance, precast is only available on smaller, more narrow, stair cases. If you are needing a staircase for a library or office park, pouring is your only choice. However if you want a staircase for your home, both are possible.

Pick the one that will work best based on the pros and cons. Just because one is simpler, doesn’t mean it won’t cause trouble in the future. And for your concrete steps in Chicago, always call a pro.